Saturday, December 08, 2007

new pics/old and new work/play

Oh, I failed to mention that Alice Coppa came today to the Visual art center, and made one of these thrums scarves with me. She is an awesome knitter. You can visit her blog at:

Here are a few pics of some of my current work. I have pics of the scarf I made in the thrums party today. It has to do with dissolving interfacing, hmmm it worked quite well. Then there are some pics of some of my handspun that has been crocheted into squares. These are just samples of how various breeds of sheep, and weights of handspun look when crocheted. There is my latest felt rug. I like it. It's more abstract than some, and more something than I usually am.
Uh, there is also a picture of a mohair boucle neck warmer that I hand-painted the yarn, and crocheted the item. It was too tickly (itchy) for me, so I knitted a liner for it out of some roving that I had hand-painted also. It is very 'me', as I like processes, and parts, sub-parts and sub-sub-parts to 'stuff'. Hope you feel inspired by some of this. If not, I hope you are at least moved to make your own and come up with some really great stuff.
Take care.

1 comment:

skiingweaver said...

What fun projects! Any more pics of the felt rug? It looks really lovely, I'd love to see more of it!

- Kristin

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