Wednesday, September 12, 2007

The calm after the storm

AAAAHHHHH, It's quiet. The loom is still, and the stress level reduced to a lull for a classic type A. All the commissions are filled, and I can finally take care of some of the day to day things. Housekeeping is #1 on my list. Both literally and figuratively. My home has needed my attention for 2 months, and now is the time. Similarly, my websites have needed updating, my advertising has fallen to nil, etc.
Yesterday was spent finally putting together the essentials for the residency this fall. I'm working in 2 Richmond City Schools to share my love of the fiber arts with a core group of 1st graders. Hooray! We will have a kick-off at the local children's museum, and then 6 weeks of working in the school system with those kids, and their teachers. We will have a teacher's workshop where the teachers will make some felt jewelry. I am really looking forward to this;0)
And those of you who know me, know I love this age group. It's the same age kids I work with at church.

If you are looking for any of my classes, yahoo has an event based site, here: that lists events by geographical area. My events are listed under maidensweaver. You actually have to join the group, and then click on "my friend's events". I try to keep it current.

I have someone looking for a daytime, weekday spinning class out here in Goochland. If you are interested, please let me know and I will put something together. Right now, I still need 2 more people to offer the class. It would be a 2 hour class, once a week for about 8 weeks.

I gotta go. Oh, I forgot to mention, I am adding some links to the "links" section of this blog. Check out the Lady of the Loom, OK?

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