Monday, October 01, 2007

images of daily life

As you can see, I am still weaving off that warp I used for the last tallit. This is a piece of merino fabric that is embroidered as it is woven. Some of the embroidery ends are actually woven is as weft, to validate the fact that the weaving and embroidery are integral. Probably just important to me. So, in general, I am having fun. Tomorrow, back to the grind. Good thing I like 'the grind':0)
This is the green and blue scarf I took off the loom today:
Another watercolor just waiting to be painted:
Here are some pics of the beauty in my daily life and some of ongoing work now that the commission glut is over.
These are the morning glories at my parents house. It is enriching just to walk up to the door and see these beauties, but I have almost always felt that about blue morning glories.

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